Sunday, January 26, 2020

Digital media and how to use social media branding. 

Social Media is every where! Within todays society, roughly 64%, or two-thirds of adults have not only home Wi-Fi, but they have access to at least one, if not more, smartphone, desktop, laptop, or tablet that enables them to have consistent access to the internet. (Source:) Because of the easy access to the internet and the quick availability to the multiple online channels of information, people are starting to spend more time online, than anywhere else. However, even though there are millions of websites and apps, social media apps are among the most used out of all them. It is because of that, that it is becoming imperative for media organizations, such as magazine, newspapers, television and even radio stations, to not only have an online presence, but to develop a social media brand, as well.

        However, before we can start talking about how to build up your social media presence, we need to fist discuss what a social media brand is. So, what is a brand? No, we are not referring to the kind of permanent mark that a farmer leaves on their cattle. The brand that we are referring to in this sense is that of a

“name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” (Source:)

         Take the talk radio show, The Breakfast Club, for example. The Breakfast Club is arguable one of the most popular morning talk radio shows in America. The show is hosted by DJ Envy, Angela Yee, and rapper Charlamagne tha God. The original talk show started in 2010 on New Yorks Power 105.1 FM. However, in 2013 the talk show became a syndicated radio show. This means that the show was licensed to broadcast on multiple different radio stations around the world. Part of the reason why the show became as popular as it has is thanks to their social media platforms.

         The Breakfast Club radio show is now broadcasted on 41 radio stated around the world, including the main radio station of which they started Power 105.1 FM in New York. So, how did a radio station utilize social media and build such an influential social media brand? I mean, it’s a radio show, all they do is talk on the radio. No one even likes to listen to the radio anymore, right?

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are the three main social media outlets that The Breakfast Club talk show uses. Each morning their broadcast is filmed live on Facebook. This is important for two reasons. One, you get to actually put a face to the voices that are coming out of your speaker. Two, once the filming is done, people can still watch and see what happened during the live broadcast. The Breakfast club utilizes YouTube in a similar way. The show will post their broadcast on their YouTube channel, but they also post more exclusive and personalized content from their broadcast. Take for instance that you only like to hear the “Rumor Report” and don’t care too much about the rest of their show. Well, then you could go on the shows YouTube channel and watch all of the “rumor reports” that have been aired on the show. Their Twitter page is probably their least used form of social media, but the show utilizes it to further advertise for the show and the different things that is talked about on show. They also utilize it as a way to interact with their fans by sometimes retweeting something a fan said, or shared.

So, lets talk numbers. How do you know if you have a strong social media presence? The simple answer can be found in the amount of followers that you have. The Breakfast Club the show has over 2.4 million people who either follow or like the Breakfast Club on Facebook. The shows YouTube channel alone has 4.21 Million subscribers. On Twitter, the show has 624 thousand followers. Out of three of the most popular social media platforms, the Breakfast Club has a combined following of over 7.2 million fans, or followers. This is not even including the personal accounts that each of the host has. On Twitter alone, the three host have a combined following of 3.8 million, with Charlamagne tha God having the majority with 2.12 million fans.

The success of the show has to deal with their ability to cultivate such a large and loyal fan base among their social media channels. So, how can other radio shows, newspapers, magazine, or news channels build their social media brand like the Breakfast Club did? There are a few steps in which you can take in order to brand yourself on social media better. The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that your social media accounts are all updated. You also need to figure out which social media platform(s) you plan on using. The most popular social media platforms for branding are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. However, once you have figured out what you want to be known for, or what your niche is, you will get a better idea as to which social media platform will work best for your brand.

             The second thing that you will need to really focus on is finding your niche. What do you want to be known for? What areas do you have expertise in? Are you a makeup artist and want to showcase your makeup skills and review popular makeup brands? If so, then I would suggest using Instagram and YouTube as your primary social media platforms. Are you a travel photographer? Instagram and YouTube could also work for you to showcase your photographs.

“The more unique and engaging content you create on your chosen topic of expertise, the more your followers will start to think of you as a leader in your chosen field.” (Source:)

              The third thing you can do to help build up your brand on social media is to make sure that you are posting your content on a regular basis. Are you going to be able to post every day? Every week? Every other week? Whatever the time frame, make sure to stick to a schedule. One of the things that can kill a brand before it even gets a chance is inconsistency. The majority of people on social media, myself included, have rather short attention spans. Therefore, it's not only important to grab the attention of your followers, but you must also be able to maintain their attention in order to stay relevant. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, posting 3-4 times a week is the “sweet spot” for individuals.

             Lastly, you want to make sure that your content is creative and captivating. No one wants to see the same post done by 30 different social media influencer wannabe’s. Make sure that the content you create is authentic to who you are. If you are creating random content based on what other people are doing, you are likely to lose followers because they will see you as someone who is just trying to get famous. If that is your goal, you will likely never reach it. As I’ve stated in my last post,

“People don’t care what you do. They care why you do it.” – Simon Sinek.

Therefore, you want to make sure that your content stays true to the brand in which you are trying to create. Keeping up with trends is okay, as long as you can find a different way to do them, or find a way to make them relevant to your brand. Branding for your organization is not an easy thing to achieve. As we are finding out each week, utilizing the power of social media is not as easy as some people make it seem. However, once your brand has been established, you can start to enjoy the benefits of it.

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