Monday, March 2, 2020

Till next time.

            All good things must come to an end. Right? Well, yes and no. Sadly my time in the Strategic Communication and Emerging Media class here at Troy University has come to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this class and preparing my weekly blog post. However, what I have learned through this course will carry on in me. Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of creating these blog post. As I sit here and review my previous post from the past nine weeks I am finding it hard to believe that this class is over. I have learned a lot about myself as a strategic communication professional, as well as a writer and researcher. Admittedly, I was intimidated by the length requirement for each blog post. However, I have since learned that with a little hard work and a lot of determination, I can achieve whatever I need to. One of the main things that this class has taught me about myself is that I am vastly interested in the emerging landscape that is Social Media. 

          With that being said, I will end this blog series with a prediction. We all know that social media is changing how we view the world of communication. However, it is also changing the way we view advertising, marketing, and so much more. Social media has become such an integral part of our every day lives. From the looks of the technological landscape, it doesn’t look as if this fact will be changing any time soon. There are more and more apps being created each and every day. The social media platforms are in a constant state of change and it is more imperative now more than ever that strategic communication professionals keep on top of the constant changes. With out keeping up-to-date on the changes within the world of social media, strategic communication professionals will not be able to effectively do their job.

           Lastly, I would like to thank my professor for pushing me to become a better writer, researcher and communication professional. However, I would also like to thank my classmates and readers for your feedback. This will not be the last you hear from me.

Till next time,

Sarah Graham

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